Ms. Germinator review for PS Vita, PSN
Does pink paint and a bow justify a sequel to a five-month-old game? Read on and find out.
Videogame Reviews
Does pink paint and a bow justify a sequel to a five-month-old game? Read on and find out.
“There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.”
Payday 2 is a little rough around the edges, but as an online co-op experience it makes up for most of its flaws with a lot of team-based criminal fun.
Mars: War Logs is proof that there is a video game equivalent of so bad it’s good.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s an updated version of a slightly above-average ’90s platformer.
Looking to book a band for your future end of the world party? Then allow me to introduce Charlie Murder, they know a thing or two about playing gigs for the apocalypse.
I had a dumb grin on my face while marathoning Volition?s newest open-world adventure.
Does Divekick get an S-rank, or is it just a fighting game in-joke that’s gone too far? Read on to find out!
Guacamelee! finally lands on PC, finally giving more players a look of this excellent action-adventure release from Drinkbox Studios.
Rise of the Triad is mindless gibbing and fragging (oh what fun!) mixed with a mercilessly difficult save system (not so fun.) Best to play the shareware version before making a purchase.
A straightforward arcade-style shooter that is almost as fun as it is frustrating.
I’ll forego a witty rendition of the DuckTales theme song here if you promise to just buy the game on whatever platform you have.
SteamWorld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt is an oddly charming mix of platforming and exploration set against a robot-infused Old-West backdrop on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.
Cute as Kirby, hard as nails: find out whether you should grab a friend and look into this oddly-named puzzle-platformer.
Boobs, Golden Axe, Dungeons & Dragons, Japan.
Are you interested? We’ve got a two-for-one review for Vanillaware’s latest 2D work.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons kicks off the Summer of Arcade this year, and instantly becomes one of the best titles released during the entirety of the promotion.
Cloudberry Kingdom is just a good, old-fashioned platformer. With explosions. And an insane degree of difficulty.