Category: Reviews
Videogame Reviews

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII review for PS3, Xbox 360
It’s the end of the world for Final Fantasy XIII, as Lightning says one final farewell to friends in the last installment of this trilogy.

The LEGO Movie Videogame review for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U
Not quite as AWESOME as the movie, but still a solid new LEGO game worth checking out.

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors review for PC
The wait is finally over for Episode 2 of Telltale Games “The Wolf Among Us”. Smoke and Mirrors offers up a lot more questions, and a couple key answers, for Bigby Wolf’s ongoing murder investigation.

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z review for PS Vita, PS3, Xbox 360
If you think Vegeta is some weird Australian food, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z might not be the game for you.

The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief review for PS3, Xbox 360
Mystery fans might want to play this more than just once upon a midnight dreary.

Eufloria HD review for PS Vita
“You got your art in my real-time strategy!” “You got your real-time strategy in my art!”

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition review for PS4, Xbox One
Tomb Raider hits PS4 and Xbox One with a self-proclaimed Definitive Edition, and actually manages to deliver on that subtitle.

Bravely Default review for 3DS
A true Final Fantasy V successor in everything but name, Bravely Default doesn’t disappoint as it finally makes its way to North America.

Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD review for PS3, Xbox 360
Aveline is back, and she?s never looked or sounded better!

OlliOlli review for PS Vita
OlliOlli is about to fulfill the urges for an amazing skateboarding game you never even knew you were feeling.

Twisted Lands: Shadow Town review for PS3
To the extent that such a thing is possible to Hidden Object Games, Twisted Lands: Shadow Town feels ever-so-slightly off.

Terraria review for PS Vita
Terraria is better on the PS Vita than on the PS3 and Xbox 360. The only question is, how much better?

Dr. Luigi review for Wii U
Dr. Luigi puts a new spin on an NES classic for the Wii U, with added difficulty and a solid online mode for fans of the original Dr. Mario.

Furmins review for PS Vita
Little cute fuzzballs roll from the iOS ecosystem to the Vita. Was their journey a success? Read on and find out…

Indoor Sports World review for PS Vita
Here’s a phrase you don’t hear very often: Indoor Sports World is a lovingly-crafted minigame collection. Is that enough to make it worth your time? Read on to find out…

Mutant Mudds Deluxe review for PS Vita, PS3, Wii U
Just in case you were worried that the tide of retro-inspired platformers was showing any signs of abating, here’s another one.