Amazon Fire TV review
Amazon has set up a lot of potential with too-good-for-its-price hardware, a rock-solid OS, and amazing ease of use.
Videogame Reviews
Amazon has set up a lot of potential with too-good-for-its-price hardware, a rock-solid OS, and amazing ease of use.
Unfortunately, a better name for this would be “That Lame Game”.
Very high WARG — that’s Wins Above Replacement Game, of course.
Dark Souls PC fans can finally praise the sun in celebration of an honest-to-goodness quality PC port of Dark Souls II.
RedLynx and Ubisoft’s latest release should satisfy those masochistic, perfectionist gamers who adore the challenge of Trials.
A robust new Mario Golf experience with a whole lot of content and a few little divots.
Ragnarok Odyssey returns two years later, with a few extra bells and whistles. Do they make the game worth playing?
Does an ancient, low-tech game get better with a high tech makeover? Read our review to find out!
Disney Magical World offers up a unique, Disney-infused spin on Nintendo’s own Animal Crossing formula.
LEGO The Hobbit marks a fun, but unnecessary return to the LEGO rendition of Middle-Earth, seen through the eyes of Director Peter Jackson.
A game designed for mobile makes the jump to PS4. What could go wrong? Not a whole lot, apparently.
The great PC platformer arrives on PlayStation platforms. Did its greatness make the transition too? Read on and find out.
Bigby gets angry. Snow White gets angry. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum get angry. But you’ll likely be happy with the third episode of The Wolf Among Us.
How many times can you drop a pumpkin on someone’s head, have them walk into the path of an oncoming train, and then hit them with a wall-full of spears before it gets old? (Spoiler alert: infinite times, if Deception IV is anything to go by.)
The first true Xbox One Kinect game is more polished than the original, but still has some issues.
Plants vs. Zombies graduates from mobile platforms to show us console gamers a thing or two about third-person shooters.
Click through to find out what kind of game is hiding beneath its candy shell.
“Yes, You’ve played this before”, should be the tagline for all future chapters of Dynasty Warriors.