Super Time Force review for Xbox One, Xbox 360
Capybara Games brings their unique blend of gameplay and gorgeous 2D visuals to the action genre with Super Time Force.
Videogame Reviews
Capybara Games brings their unique blend of gameplay and gorgeous 2D visuals to the action genre with Super Time Force.
Your friendly neighborhood movie tie-in is a whole lot better than the film that spawned it.
It’s Pandora in your pocket! Is it a worthwhile port, or should Borderlands 2 have stayed hidden somewhere in the Vault? Read on to find out…
Clementine and friends contend with a new threat, fresh faces, and more zombies in the latest episode of Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead.
While still the best baseball game in town, The Show is starting to show some wear and tear.
Four new excellent Star Wars-themed tables from Zen Studios for all you scruffy looking nerfherders.
Bandai Namco has created a superb fighter from the bizarre world of Joseph Joestar and friends.
Kratos is (sort of) back, this time on the PS Vita. Is he better than ever?
Is there a place in today’s world for Space Invaders or Galaga? Titan Attacks! hopes so, because it’s borrowed from those games pretty liberally.
Think of Demon Gaze as a tweener: it’s neither a GOTY contender nor a challenger for worst game of the year.
Is it possible that Free-to-Play isn’t so bad after all? (Nah. But Destiny of Spirits is a good argument to the contrary.)
If you own a PS4 and are in the market for an Octopus-pretending-to-be-a-human simulator, this may be for you.
Kick some demon butt, make some fighting babies. Not necessarily in that order.
A fun little vehicular combat game. With extra emphasis on the “little”.
Daylight certainly qualifies as scary, but falls a little short in everything but atmosphere.
Child of Light offers up a breathtaking visual experience on a variety of platforms, with a unique mix of platforming and RPG-style combat.
Kirby Triple Deluxe brings enemy-eating, power-stealing fun to the 3DS, with one of the best Kirby adventures to date.