Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
Ain’t no party like a Mordor party ’cause a Mordor party don’t stop.
Videogame Reviews
Ain’t no party like a Mordor party ’cause a Mordor party don’t stop.
Forza Horizon 2 raises the bar for what new-gen racing games should be.
Nobody puts baby in the corner…because it’s full of terrifying tentacle monsters and partially-eaten children.
With all new Marvel-themed figures and play sets, Disney Infinity 2.0 will definitely keep you coming back!
An interesting JRPG that can be really fun if you have patience, and don’t mind a little hand holding.
EA Sports’ consistently great hockey title takes two steps forward, two steps back.
Run Like Hell! is such a regressive game, it jumps clear over “problematic” and well into “so, so racist” territory.
It may not be anything you haven’t seen before…but it’s also like nothing else out there.
Tap along to your favorite Final Fantasy tracks in the excellent second installment of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
Goodbye despair, hello murder and mayhem and homicidal stuffed animals.
Just as generic as its name, in the end the developers should have taken a mulligan.
One game, one singer, one retired review gimmick. All this, and more in the Hatoful Boyfriend PC review.
Dead Rising 3 makes its way to PC with this Apocalypse Edition, but performance issues prevent this from becoming the definitive version.
Counterspy may have a too-short playtime and too-long load times, but neither of those things is enough to prevent it from being an otherwise outstanding game.