The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes review for Nintendo 3DS
Three Links are more than one.
Videogame Reviews
Three Links are more than one.
A decent fighter that was made for hardcore fans of the series.
Chibi-Robo returns to handhelds, but how does he take to being in a platformer? We took Zip Lash for a spin to answer such a question, and more!
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate manages to get the series back on track after the disappointing release of Unity.
Finally, a proper Universal Media Remote for the PlayStation 4!
The first episode in the Telltale Games / Mojang collaboration features all the dialogue choices, QTEs, and sword crafting we’ve come to expect from both worlds.
343 Industries delivers one of the best Halo experiences to date.
Frequent game crashing and framerate issues prevent Bedlam from showcasing its unique premise.
Activision resurrects Guitar Hero for a new generation. Are we ready to pick up plastic guitar controllers once again?
Telltale makes a pretty impressive mark on Pandora.
Of all the basketball games to ever exist, NBA Live 16 is certainly one of them.
Dungeon crawling meets twin-stick shooting: who knew they worked together so well?
Join the Belcher, Smith and Griffin families but do not use the nerve gas.
FIFA 16 has drafted the international women?s teams, but is that enough to take down Pro Evolution Soccer 2016?
Is it golden brown or burnt to a crisp? That’s the only pun you’ll read for our review of Bossa Studio’s port to iOS.
The visual novel vicious circle: are characters jerks because they’re in visual novels, or are they in visual novels because they’re jerks?