Amplitude review for PS4
Amplitude makes its rhythmic return, but does it live up to the fame of its predecessor?
Videogame Reviews
Amplitude makes its rhythmic return, but does it live up to the fame of its predecessor?
Punch Club is like a love-letter to action movies from the 80’s and 90’s, but with a whole lot of clicking, stat building, and time management added in.
Almost literally as exciting as watching grass grow.
The world’s buggiest game arrives on the Vita.
The movie tie-in awakens?and it?s about time!
If Animal Crossing + amiibo + Mario Party team sounds like an equation with one part too many, have we got a review for you.
Saving one of the best for last, our final 2015 reviews include Monolith Soft’s monolithic masterpiece.
Level-5’s elusive JRPG finally arrives stateside, introducing players to the world of Yo-kai on a well-rounded 3DS exclusive.
In the first of two expansions, are we getting our Witcher fix from the B-team or does it fit snugly into the core game?
A fun hack and slasher that retains the charm of the original games, but may not appeal to fans.
An after-dinner mint to the sumptuous feast that is Runner 2.
Who knew the imagination of a two year old is exactly what the survival horror genre needed?!
Does Bomberman by any other name smell as sweet? Bombing Busters certainly hopes so.
We don?t yet have an F-Zero on the Wii U, but this might be enough to fill that void!
Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ is that rarest of birds: a visual novel that you’ll actually want to read.
Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours: for those times when you want a few thousand shots at fighting giant robot space fishes.