The Evil Within 2 review for Xbox One, PS4, PC
A sequel that?s greatly improved in almost every way.
Videogame Reviews
A sequel that?s greatly improved in almost every way.
Is this game worth playing? Ys, of course.
SteamWorld Dig 2 retains all the charm of the first game, but adds even more exploration to the mix.
A fairly complex cooperative shooter with crafting elements and a bit of a learning curve.
Forza 7 has a few missteps, but by and large this is a pretty darn good Forza game.
One of the better HD re-releases comes to current gen consoles.
Easily the best in home VR experience that has been released thus far, Raw Data stands out as a solid reason to get into the technology.
Pinball fanatics, get ready for the best version of Pinball FX yet along with some very solid new tables.
A worthy standalone expansion that closes out the Dishonored story rather nicely.
Did you know? One of the better Metroidvania titles just landed on the Switch.
One of the very best racing simulators out there for consoles and the PC.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar makes for an entertaining, albeit flawed, turn-based RPG.
Just when we thought Nintendo forgot about Samus, they decide to prove us wrong. Really wrong!
Even if Sword Art Online’s characters haven’t turned their game off, you probably should.