Awesome Pea 2 review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
More like “Very, Very Good Pea 2.”
Nintendo Switch Reviews
More like “Very, Very Good Pea 2.”
The survival horror classic feels as fresh as ever on the Switch.
A delightful appetizer, but not quite an entr?e.
The first DLC pack for last year’s Cadence of Hyrule brings five new characters, a new mode, and a new reason to play this already fantastic game.
Where Angels Cry is so lifeless it?s practically comatose.
Summer in Mara really knows how to suck the fun out of Zelda-likes and farming simulators.
Lovecraftian horror that does its influences proud.
This is what happens when a developer takes the term ?run & gun? a little too literally.
Take your Switch down to Paradise City.
Skateboarding down the streets of Le Carre, Louisiana, dreaming ’bout lollipops and murder.
A great soundtrack isn?t enough to save this dud, but it comes very close.