Etrian Mystery Dungeon review for 3DS
Etrian Mystery Dungeon mixes two unique franchises into one cohesive, and remarkably entertaining, hybrid RPG.
Nintendo 3DS Reviews
Etrian Mystery Dungeon mixes two unique franchises into one cohesive, and remarkably entertaining, hybrid RPG.
Unless you really, really want some amiibo support for Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy, this “Plus” version of the game likely isn’t for you.
You wouldn’t think that an epic tale of vengeance, magic and a mysterious weapon could come off as totally bland…unless you’ve played Aeternoblade, in which case you’d totally think that.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate brings additional refinements, weapons, and armor to the fantastically addictive Capcom series. Oh, and monsters. There’s plenty of monsters.
Nintendo delivers a faithful trilogy remaster of what became a flagship for its last handheld. What’s not to want?
Citizens of Earth is a proper throwback to the stranger RPG’s of yesteryear.
You got your Legend of Zelda in my Adventure Time, or you got Adventure Time in my Zelda. Either way it?s great!
Super Smash Bros. finally arrives on the 3DS, bringing with it a host of Nintendo franchises and characters to battle it out with.
A fun, fairly unique new addition to the Skylanders series for those who already own an army of figures as well as gamers new to the franchise.
Tap along to your favorite Final Fantasy tracks in the excellent second installment of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
A game that makes you ask the question, What the heck did I just play?
OBJECTION! No, wait, I don’t object to this awesome mash-up featuring two of my favorite handheld franchises.
Old Macdonald had a farm…ing simulator, and a darn good one at that.
Check out this original adventure set against the backdrop of the One Piece world, featuring Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates.
The long-awaited Shovel Knight has finally arrived, and you’ll find it was well worth the wait.
I bet you’re looking for a game based on a movie.
Your friendly neighborhood movie tie-in is a whole lot better than the film that spawned it.