Category: PC
PC Previews

Life is Strange – Episode 3: Chaos Theory launching May 19th
Finally, the next installment of Square Enix and DONTNOD’s stylish time-bending episodic adventure is just about ready to be released.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate takes us to Victorian London this fall
As rumored, the next big Assassin’s Creed release was indeed unveiled today by Ubisoft. ALl the details and media within!

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition launches on June 23rd
Prepare for some wild and crazy DMC action next month.

GungHo bringing Grandia II to PC
GungHo Online Entertainment and GameArts have revealed that they are indeed hard at work on bringing one of the most beloved, classic Dreamcast JRPGs of all time, Grandia II, to the PC.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt slashes through 1 million pre-orders
CD Projekt RED’s anticipated release reaches a big milestone before next week’s launch.

Viewer discretion is advised for this brutal new The Witcher 3 trailer
The latest The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt footage is loaded with RAGE and STEEL.

Listen to the voices of Batman: Arkham Knight in the latest trailer
In the latest trailer released today, get a behind-the-scenes look and listen to the voice talent that Warner Bros. has lined up for Batman: Arkham Knight.

Yooka-Laylee, Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, funded in under 45 minutes
Fans who never got a third Banjo-Kazooie could find their money’s worth in the series’ spiritual successor

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition confirmed for May 5th
The PS4, Xbox One and PC is getting a GoTY bundle of Shadow of Mordor next week.

Batman: Arkham Knight – Premium Edition, Season Pass details
Ready to drop nearly $100 on the latest and greatest Batman title?

Drop in for this intense Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal trailer
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have dropped off an exciting new gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 3.

Batman: Arkham Knight “All Who Follow You” trailer shows off Dual Play combat
Bats is getting some help in Batman: Arkham Knight thanks to a brand new feature and a couple of his closest allies.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III fully revealed
In case you missed the big reveal over the weekend, here’s the trailer, screens, box art and details for CODBLOPS 3.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III “Ember” teaser is live
Here we go folks, the next teaser trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops III.

New Mad Max gameplay overview trailer hits the road
Warner Bros. and Avalanche finally have some more of their new Mad Max game to show off.

Smokin’ sick new Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition screens
New DMC4SE shots showing off all the playable characters including Dante, Nero, Vergil, Lady and Trish.