Check out the Star Wars Battlefront launch trailer
As the launch date creeps ever closer, EA unveils more footage for Star Wars Battlefront via this launch trailer.
PC Previews
As the launch date creeps ever closer, EA unveils more footage for Star Wars Battlefront via this launch trailer.
As we heard during Sony’s PlayStation Media Briefing, Dhalsim is officially returning to the ring in Street Fighter V. More new game details and media within.
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios really want us to know that Just Cause 3 has both crazy explosions and a fun story.
Hold onto your hats Call of Duty fans, the latest Black Ops III trailer shows off just about everything you’d like to see from Treyarch’s next release in the franchise.
Yes, DOOM is actually still coming, and even in it’s alpha state, the multiplayer is looking pretty damn wild.
Adam Jensen, the ass-kicking, mechanically augmented Deus Ex protagonist, has apparently evolved a bit since we saw him last in Human Revolution.
With the latest Assassin’s Creed adventure launching tomorrow, Ubisoft is still busy revealing new gameplay systems and features.
Rainbow Six Siege is sneaking its way towards a December release date, and today, we have a fresh official gameplay trailer for the game.
Phew… okay fellow Fallout fans, Vault-Tec’s educational S.P.E.C.I.A.L. video series is finally finishing up with one last topic.
Telltale Games’ excellent Game of Thrones episodic series is just about ready to wrap up its very first season.
Capcom invited us to check out Umbrella Corps at NYCC. We give our first impressions of their new squad based shooter.
The fifth and final Tales from the Borderlands episode is almost upon us…
We’re definitely picking up more steam on the Fallout 4 hype train as we draw a bit closer to the November 10th launch date.
We’re finally at the penultimate entry in Vault-Tec’s educational S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Fallout 4 video series.
EA and DICE’s open multiplayer beta has impressively become EA’s largest yet. Also, info on the pricey Season Pass and Ultimate Edition.
Even Psyonix is getting caught up in the “Back to the Future day” festivities.
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers was announced several months ago, but today we finally get a new look, and a release date, for the latest and hopefully greatest Marvel mash-up so far.