Sony unveils first look at Ratchet & Clank for PS4
Ratchet & Clank are headed to PS4, and here’s a whole bunch of video (plus an official announcement), to prove it.
Videogame Previews
Ratchet & Clank are headed to PS4, and here’s a whole bunch of video (plus an official announcement), to prove it.
Wait, E3 is next week? Sure buddy, whatever you say.
Yes, we sorta, kinda expected an announcement like this would rear its ugly head at one point or another, so here it is.
Sega has announced that the next game release in the apparently successful Sonic Boom franchise, is headed to the Nintendo 3DS this winter.
In advance of the E3 which is kicking off next week, EA and DICE have officially revealed the title of the upcoming Mirror’s Edge game. More details coming soon.
The E3 has yet to begin, and already Capcom is revealing unannounced games — or at least an unannounced collection of games in this case. New media too!
LEGO Worlds holds a lot of promise for LEGO fans, and the Early Access version of the game is certainly worth a look.
Nintendo download offerings this week included the Adventures of Pip for Wii U, a new Splatoon update, and Pac-Attack for the SNES Virtual Console on Wii U.
The kickstarter backed game from 2013 launched on Steam Early Access this week. Check out the launch trailer and screens behind the cut.
Nathan Drake’s adventures-to-date charting a course for the PS4 this October.
Flavio, and his corresponding Survivalist class, gets detailed in this new Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold trailer from Atlus.
Comcept and Deep Silver have released a mighty fine looking 60fps gameplay trailer for Mighty No. 9.
Daybreak has announced today that PlanetSide 2 for the PS4 will finally come out of beta and launch on June 23rd.
Here it is Fallout fans, Fallout 4 has officially been revealed. First media, box art and details.
Activision mixes up the Skylanders formula up with customizable land, sea and sky vehicles.
Bethesda is teasing the hell out of a Fallout announcement which is scheduled to take place tomorrow morning.
If you’re looking forward to the latest and greatest Assassin’s Creed or Tom Clancy’s titles, you’re sure to see them at this year’s big event.