Month long “SWAPtober” event for Skylanders SWAP Force begins tomorrow
Activision is gearing up for the big October 13th Skylanders SWAP Force launch by kicking off a “SWAPtober” event which begins tomorrow.
Nintendo 3DS Previews
Activision is gearing up for the big October 13th Skylanders SWAP Force launch by kicking off a “SWAPtober” event which begins tomorrow.
With Pok?mon X and Y just around the corner, Nintendo releases two Special-Edition 3DS XL consoles celebrating the October 12th launch of the games.
With Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y launching in the very near future, Nintendo is going back to the series’ roots with a new Pok?mon Origins video adventure.
We have not one, not two, but three new Skylanders: SWAP Force trailers to check out this morning.
The Deadly Six are up to no good in the Sonic Lost World universe and Sega today sent over a new batch of media showing off both the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game.
Time to sail the high seas with Monkey D. Luffy and his band of eclectic fighters with One Piece: Romance Dawn, hitting the 3DS this holiday season.
Activision today sent over a fresh new Skylanders SWAP Force trailer detailing what’s new in the anticipated upcoming Skylanders installment
Capcom today announced that the Nintendo 3DS-bound Phoenix Wright case is set to hit the platform on October 24th as an eShop digital download. New screens too.
Following up on the announcement about a month ago comes a new Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y update which includes even more mega-evolution details, screens and a trailer.
In Nintendo’s Pok?mon-themed Nintendo Direct event this morning, the company announced a few new details for the upcoming release of Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y.
We’re surprised that Activision took this long to announce this, but Skylanders SWAP Force has been confirmed for the Nintendo 3DS. All the details within.
Nintendo announces the 2DS, coming October 12th for $129.99, along with a price drop for the Wii U Deluxe model and officially announcing that Wind Waker HD Wii U bundle.
Attending PAX Prime this year? Then you might want to check out this Wonderful 101 panel helmed by none other than Platinum Games creative director Hideki Kamiya.
Check out Dr. Doom, Magneto, Captain America, Cyclops, Hulk, Wolverine and lots more in this new trailer for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
Activision this morning found the need to brag about Skylanders a little bit… but it sounds like they deserve to.
Nintendo today released a new set of screens and a trailer showing off the Mega Evolved new Pok?mon that were announced this morning.
Check out the new launch trailer for the upcoming release of SteamWorld Dig on the 3DS eShop from Swedish developer Image & Form.