PlayStation Store Update – Rain, NBA 2K14, Atelier Meruru Plus, BEYOND: Two Souls demo
Break out the umbrella this week because Rain is now available to download along with a flood of other PS3, PSN and PS Vita content.
Videogame News
Break out the umbrella this week because Rain is now available to download along with a flood of other PS3, PSN and PS Vita content.
With the PS4 coming in less than 2 months, who would have figured that Sony would continue to roll out new PS3 system software enhancement.
As promised, Activision and Bungie today followed up the box art reveal with a Destiny announcement today, along with a new trailer and screens.
Nintendo shared a plethora of new Wii U and 3DS info in their Nintendo Direct event this morning. Check them out.
As part of the Games with Gold program, Xbox 360 owners who are Xbox Live Gold members can pick up digital copies of Might & Magic Clash of Heroes and Halo 3 this month, for free.
Grand Theft Auto Online is now available for owners of Grand Theft Auto V, and Rockstar has delivered more details on what to expect from the service in the near future.
Activision is gearing up for the big October 13th Skylanders SWAP Force launch by kicking off a “SWAPtober” event which begins tomorrow.
As Microsoft announced over the weekend, the Xbox One will be going on tour to allow gamers some hands-on time before the huge November 22nd launch.
Nintendo has lined up yet another Nintendo Direct event to help keep Nintendo fans up-to-date on anything and everything Nintendo.
GameStop today announced that they are going on a hiring spree to help meet the demands of the PS4 and Xbox One launches this fall along with the busy holiday season.
Valve continues not to announce that thing everyone has been asking for.
Naughty Dog blows the lid off of their DLC plans for The Last of Us, with the Abandoned Territories map pack hitting PSN on October 15th.
With Pok?mon X and Y just around the corner, Nintendo releases two Special-Edition 3DS XL consoles celebrating the October 12th launch of the games.
Even though Ubisoft is a few days late celebrating “Talk like a Pirate Day”, they were at least nice enough to deliver a brand new Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag trailer that introduces the infamous cast of the game.
Microsoft released a new Forza Motorsport 5 direct feed gameplay video which shows off a very polish and slick-looking racing experience.
With Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y launching in the very near future, Nintendo is going back to the series’ roots with a new Pok?mon Origins video adventure.
Square Enix this morning announced that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will feature what they describe as cross-title collaboration. Check out the results.