Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End gets pushed to spring 2016
Well, we can say we didn’t sorta expect this… Sony and Naughty Dog this morning confirmed that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will not be hitting the PS4 this year.
Videogame News
Well, we can say we didn’t sorta expect this… Sony and Naughty Dog this morning confirmed that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will not be hitting the PS4 this year.
Containing both Classic and Story Mode, this remake of Etrian Odyssey 2 will hit sometime this summer for 3DS.
I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. But also, screenshots!
This week’s PS Store update is pretty damn hot… and we’re not just talking about the PS Vita release of Flame Over.
Sony’s PlayStation Plus-exclusive episodic series makes its debut on PlayStation platforms, online and on Youtube.
The long-awaited screenshot feature is here, along with party chat enhancements an Upload app and more.
XSEED Games’ popular Senran Kagura series makes the jump onto the 3DS with a new 2.5D side-scrolling brawler.
The bikini zombie squad is back together again and ready to slay some zombies this summer.
Are you sick of hearing all about Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae- yet?
We’re getting really close to the release of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (and FFXV demo), so Square Enix still has some time to convince fans to jump onto the hype train.
A brand new GTA V album by The Alchemist and Oh No is set to be included as in-game music and a standalone release.
Another class for the upcoming Etrian Mystery Dungeon is unveiled today, showcasing the Ninja via new screens and a quick trailer.
The first wave of cross-buy Wii U/3DS titles hits the eShop this week along with a variety of other new releases and pieces of content.
Shovel Knight is coming to the Xbox One along with a trio of special amphibious guests.
Get ready to melt some faces, a new generation of Rock Band is coming later this year.
Valve announces at least three things that aren’t Half-Life 3.
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition, Never Alone, BOXBOY!, Affordable Space Adventures, Runbow and more headed to the Wii U and/or 3DS this year.