Hunt Evil’s Most Wanted in the epic Destiny: The Taken King live-action launch trailer
Get a look at Activision and Bungie’s epic Destiny: The Taken King commercial set to debut this weekend.
Videogame News
Get a look at Activision and Bungie’s epic Destiny: The Taken King commercial set to debut this weekend.
The man behind the magical Journey soundtrack is hard at work on the Assassin’s Creed Syndicate score.
Bethesda is kicking off a “S.P.E.C.I.A.L.” educational video series for Fallout 4.
There’s no doubt that Super Mario Maker is the big Wii U release this week, but there’s a few other intriguing pieces of content for Wii U/3DS owners for today as well.
The developers behind Google popular augmented reality game are teaming up with Nintendo and The Pok?mon Company to produce a new Pok?mon game for iOS and Android devices.
New Drop Zone mode details and a very polished looking new screenshot.
Believe it or not, the original PlayStation hit North America exactly 20 years ago. U R NOT e
A trio of interestingly-titled Xbox One digital releases are now available.
If you have a desire to play a magical, Media Molecule platformer make sure to check out Tearaway Unfolded (or its free trial). But wait, there’s more…
Hold onto your loot Destiny guardians, the Year Two officially begins today. Check out the massive set of patch notes within.
After spending hundreds of hours with the game, if you’re still not bored with The Witcher 3, then there’s even more new content on the way.
Nintendo today kinda snuck out a brand new $299 Wii U Deluxe bundle configuration.
A new PS4 bundle and a look at the TV commercial set to roll out soon.
With Destiny: The Taken King, Bungie is taking a slightly different preview path than they did with the previous Destiny content releases. See what’s coming next week in Destiny 2.0 for all guardians.
From 16-bit style roguelike dungeon crawlers and Rugby sims, to graphic adventures and toy car racers, there’s a nice quantity of new Xbox digital releases this week.
PlayStation Call of Duty fans — take solace in the fact that this will be the last piece of Call of Duty DLC content that you’ll get after Xbox Call of Duty players.
There’s not all that many new Nintendo eShop items hitting the service today, but there may be a few downloads worth checking out.