A.W.: Phoenix Festa review for PS Vita
Sometimes it’s better if you don’t know what you’re getting into.
Sometimes it’s better if you don’t know what you’re getting into.
A dungeon crawler that could appeal to everyone? How novel.
All the fun and excitement of moping around on a craggy, windswept island, now on consoles.
A horror game that falls just a little short of its goals.
Exile’s End may not do any one thing horrifically badly, but it’s still undeniably a bad game.
Jazzpunk is what would happen if first-person shooters, adventure games, and spy movies got together and had a baby. A very, very weird baby.
Playing this game may just have you follow Criminal Girls’ main characters to Hell.
If endless runners and RPGs had a baby, it?d look like Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics.
Mafia II looked amazing, but was ultimately a pretty empty experience. Can Mafia III succeed where its predecessor failed?
Not as bad as it could be, but not particularly great, either.
As run-of-the-mill a shmup as you could ever imagine.
NBA 2K17’s hold on the title of “best sports game” suddenly got a lot more tenuous.
As the Atelier series gets closer to its 20th mainline game, I think pretty much everyone knows what to expect by now.
As player-friendly as any game with hours and hours of tutorials can be.