Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars review for PS Vita
Kick some demon butt, make some fighting babies. Not necessarily in that order.
Kick some demon butt, make some fighting babies. Not necessarily in that order.
A fun little vehicular combat game. With extra emphasis on the “little”.
Very high WARG — that’s Wins Above Replacement Game, of course.
Ragnarok Odyssey returns two years later, with a few extra bells and whistles. Do they make the game worth playing?
Does an ancient, low-tech game get better with a high tech makeover? Read our review to find out!
A game designed for mobile makes the jump to PS4. What could go wrong? Not a whole lot, apparently.
The great PC platformer arrives on PlayStation platforms. Did its greatness make the transition too? Read on and find out.
How many times can you drop a pumpkin on someone’s head, have them walk into the path of an oncoming train, and then hit them with a wall-full of spears before it gets old? (Spoiler alert: infinite times, if Deception IV is anything to go by.)
Just your typical JRPG featuring mouse rape and dog princesses and villainous protagonists.
One of the best games on the Nintendo 3DS becomes one of the best games on the Vita, PS4 and PC.
Apparently rage and frustration are two key emotions in making a highly replayable game. Who knew?
The main reason to buy an Ouya comes to the PS4, and suddenly becomes a good reason to pick up one of those, too.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f probably looks better than your typical music game. Does it play better as well? Read on and find out!
More a “should-play” than a “must-play”, but still a very good retro-inspired run and gun shooter for the PS Vita.
What’s a hidden object game without hidden objects? Not a whole lot, apparently.