With 108 days till launch, Konami highlights the characters of Suikoden I & II HD Remaster

Suikoden I & II HD Remaster’s release date is March 6th 2025, so it would mean that we are now 108 days away from the compilation’s release date (Please don’t get delayed, please don’t get delayed). Konami is commemorating what would be an odd milestone with a daily post on its Twitter account everyday until the release date. Each post will feature a character from the two games.

In fact the inaugural character to be highlighted isn’t actually a member of the 108 Stars. This initiative’s first subject is actually Odessa Silverberg. Needless to say her plot relevance is quite high as she was the founder of the liberation army that your character would join. While the post doesn’t quite go too deeply into the character’s history there are resources you can find online to learn more…but honestly wouldn’t the best way be to play through the game that features her and her cause?

If you wish to continue to follow this initiative to it’s conclusion follow the game’s Twitter account or bookmark the hashtag #suikoden108countdown to get your daily dose of Suikoden characters until the remaster’s launch

Suikoden I & II HD Remaster will sweep the nation when it arrives on March 6th, 2025 on PC, Switch, the Xbox and PlayStation platforms.

Suikoden I & II HD Remastered PS5

Price: $49.99

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