Enjoy Pickleball on your TV as PPA Pickleball Tour 2025 is out now

I’ve always heard of the term “pickleball”, but I never quite inquired what the sport entailed. Well with a video game now out, I think it’s time to actually look into the sport seriously. That’s right the Professional Pickleball Association has teamed up with FarSight Studios to create the most authentic pickleball video game experience with PPA Pickleball Tour 2025.

The title features actual pro players and brands used on the PPA Tour. However if you want to forge your own path, the game does feature a create a player mode and you can take said character through the career mode to build their legend. Who will you use to win the elusive PPA Triple Crown (Capture 1st place in Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles at a single PPA event)?

If the trailer doesn’t convince you to give the game a shot, FarSight Studios is taking the game on the road, specifically at select PPA Tour events from August to October. Full details of the events where the game can be demo can be found here.

PPA Pickleball Tour 2025 is available now on PC, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms. The Switch version will come out July 26th wherever you can purchase video games.

PPA Pickleball Tour 2025: Features and Highlights

PPA Pickleball Tour 2025: Features and Highlights

PPA Pickleball Tour 2025 screens: