Dark Horse takes you inside the mind of Gepetto with The Art of Lies of P

When I wasn’t getting mollywhopped by crazy puppets or Ergo-infused monstrosities, I was busy admiring the desolate streets of Krat. Yeah some bad stuff went down, but when things were good it looks like the denizens were living in a gilded age. Thanks for Dark Horse Comics, we’ll be able to peer into the world of Lies of P outside of what we saw in-game.

The Arts of Lies of P will be an oversized, full-color book that shows the sketches, painting and images that were one aspect in creating one of the most memorable titles of 2023. Jiwon Choi’s comment on this product is as follows.

“When we decided to make an art book for Lies of P, we knew we wanted to create something that served as a thank you to our fans while giving a behind-the-scenes peek at the development process for the game, The team at Dark Horse Books took our vision for “The Art of Lies of P” and is crafting something that is truly vibrant and speaks to the love and effort from the team at ROUND8 Studios. We hope it brings joy to our Lies of P community!”

While gifts are usually free, I certainly will not scoff at pre-ordering this tome which will contain 224 color pages when it arrives on store shelves November 12th 2024 and comic book stores the next day. Hell I might even flip through the book…twice!