Share your adventures with friends (or strangers) in Athenian Rhapsody available now on all platforms

I envy games that are created by a singular person, there’s no need to compromise your vision and you certainly don’t have to split the profits with anyone. So any sales this game will make will go directly to Nico Papalia (ok maybe not all of it since he did work with Top Hat Studios, Inc. to act as his publisher). Nico, who is a fellow New Yorker, is set to debut his “Choose Your own Adventure Action RPG” Athenian Rhapsody on pretty much any platform that can play video games today.

If you’re a fan of games like Earthbound or Undertale, you owe it to yourself to check out this quirky title where combat isn’t the only way to resolve conflict. Anything can happen in the surreal world of Athens, so roam the land and team up with 16 possible characters to create a journey that is your own.

The game also features a mechanic that you take after your playthrough has ended. The Rhapsody system will recap your playthrough and allow you to share it with your friends. Will your friends learn that you’re a saint even in a video game or will it confirm that you’re a sociopath! Post release, Nico plans to release time events that involve generated rhapsodies, so make sure you go through the main adventure!

Athenian Rhapsody is available today on PC, Switch, iOS, Android, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms!

Athenian Rhapsody ► Launch Trailer For PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile:

Athenian Rhapsody ► Launch Trailer For PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile