Transformers: Earthspark is a cartoon in the Transformers franchise that debuted on Paramount+ in November 2022. It features a continuity where the Autobot/Decepticon war has ended and the Cybertronians that fought on Earth are stranded far from their home world. The series also features a strain of transformers native to Earth called Terrans and perhaps the most jaw dropping revelation that Megatron became reformed and allied himself with the Autobots!
While I need to do some catch up on a streaming service I pay for but neglect to use. Perhaps I can get a *ahem* Primer on the series in Outright Games’ upcoming title Transformers Earthspark – Expedition. Control Bumblebee as he goes on an adventure to thwart the plans of the maniacal Dr. Meridian who wishes to purge the planet of the robotic refugees. Fight alongside familiar Transformers such as Optimus Prime, Grimlock and the Earthborn Transformers known as the Terrans. The game is built for players of all ages and will offer plenty of accessibility options to ensure the game can be enjoyed no matter the skill level.
Transformers: Earthspark – Expedition screens:
Transformers: Earthspark – Expedition will launch in 2023 and will appear on PC, Switch, PlayStation and Xbox platforms.
Transformers: Earthspark – Expedition | Announce Trailer | US | ESRB:
Join the legendary Autobot, Bumblebee, in Transformers: Earthspark Expedition on a 3D adventure to defeat the evil Mandroid. Coming to console and PC on October 13! 🤖🎮 #TransformersEarthsparkExpedition #Bumblebee #Transformers