Explore a rainforest and befriend a capybara in Flutter Away

As I wrote last week, Pokรฉmon Snap quietly created a whole micro-genre of photography games, and today at Wholesome Direct 2023, we got further proof with the announcement of Flutter Away:

Flutter Away - Wholesome Direct (ESBR)

According to its description:

Accept a thrilling opportunity as a butterfly researcher going on a brief five-day camping trip in the Amazon. Take stunning snapshots and meet fuzzy friends deep in the teeming jungle. Photograph a variety of flora and fauna, noting their special qualities and habits, and get acquainted with an especially shy Capybara. Explore untouched paths and find hidden secrets at an entirely customizable pace in the depths of the rainforest.

Thereโ€™s a demo available for the next few weeks on Steam, and the full game arrives on PC and Switch on August 3rd!