JoJo?s Bizarre Adventure has been serialized since 1987 and it was only in this millennium did the series find a foothold in the west. The team at Bandai Namco noticed the uptick in pose offs at anime conventions and decided to strike! JoJo?s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle is a fighting game released on PlayStation 3 featuring characters from the various sagas of the series, while it was a competent title, it certainly will never find itself on the main stage at EVO. Physical copies of the title recently have demanded high prices due to the series? increase in popularity as well as the localized title?s low print run.
JoJo?s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R looks to give a second chance for newly minted fans of the Joestar lineage. The remake doesn?t just add visual polish, the development team went back and adjusted the fighting system to accommodate modern tastes. Also the game is set to receive more characters than the original with an optional season pass. JoJo?s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R is out today on PC, Switch, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Launch Trailer:
It’s time to battle with 50 colorful characters, wielding Stands, Hamon, and more! With stunning visuals and a huge variety of abilities, battle systems, and modes JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R is the biggest game ever in the franchise!