Bulls, Lasers and Muletas are being promised in Relevoโ€™s upcoming Kickstarter for Bullfighter NEON

If you?re old enough, World Games from Epyx taught us about the various athletic competitions from around the world, while bullfighting wasn?t featured explicitly, it certainly would fit into the title. Relevo is looking to fix this age-old slight with a retro-futuristic twist.

Although actually inspired by Neo Geo classics Windjammers and Soccer Brawl, the Spanish developer is looking to give that arcade sheen to the sport most associated with the European nation. Featuring 6 competitors from around the futuristic world as they take on the cyberbeasts in arenas filled with traps and hazards.

The game?s soundtrack will be handled by Gryzor87 whose compositions fit in well with the 16-bit aesthetics of the game. The team is looking to fund the game via Kickstarter and their campaign is set to start on March 2nd, but a page is up and those interested can sign up to be notified when the campaign begins?so Ol?!