Year: 2018

PlayStation Store Update – Dragon’s Crown Pro, Gonner, Horizon Chase Turbo, Omensight
There’s an exceptionally diverse set of new digital PlayStation titles available this week.

Bethesda blows the lid off of RAGE 2
A first look at Bethesda, id Software and Avalanche Studios’ explosive open world FPS sequel.

League of Evil review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch
A mobile gaming classic finally arrives on other platforms. Was it worth the wait?

Bethesda officially announces RAGE 2, raging reveal trailer set for tomorrow
Bethesda this morning officially revealed that RAGE 2 is indeed coming. See the teaser trailer today and the reveal trailer tomorrow.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy jumping onto other platforms ahead of schedule
It’s not often that developers and publishers move their game releases forward, but Activision has done just that.

Xbox Games Store Update – Hyper Sentinel, Laser League, Subaeria, Conan Exiles
And here we go Xbox One players, this week’s selection of new digital game releases, bundles, sales and whatnot.

Nintendo eShop Update – Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Garage, InkSplosion, The Fall
There’s yet another healthy lineup of new Nintendo eShop titles available for this week.

Neurovoider review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
A+ score. As for the rest… read on to find out.

Nintendo reveals new Adjustable Charging Stand for Nintendo Switch
Nintendo shows off a low profile charging stand for the Switch of their own.

Valve launching Steam Link, Steam Video apps for iOS, Android devices soon
Rejoice Steam players! Valve today announced that a pair of iOS and Android Steam Link/Video apps are just around the corner.

Dragon’s Crown Pro review for PS4
Dragon’s Crown gets upgraded with this new PS4 release of the PS3/Vita original from Vanillaware.

Nintendo Switch Online Service details revealed, launching September with family plan, 20 retro games
When and how much? Read on to find out!

Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind goes live tomorrow, see the launch trailer today
The next chapter of Destiny 2 is just about a day away, so check out this final action-packed trailer.

PlayStation Store Update – Death Road to Canada, InkSplosion, Reverie, Tacoma
There’s a pretty healthy dose of new digital PS4 and PSVR titles this week.