Go Mantine surfing in the latest Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Moon trailer

Pok?mon Ultra Sun and Pok?mon Ultra Moon are coming along nicelyโ€ฆ and today, The Pok?mon Company finally revealed more about the enhanced and expanded Nintendo 3DS releases which are slated to launch on November 17th, 2017.

โ€œMoreโ€ in this case is a trailer and screens showing off some fun new activities and content such as Mantine Surfing, an all-new Alola Photo Club, Minaโ€™s new Island Trials, and of course, over 400 Pok?mon to round up.

See the new trailer below and head on over to the updated official site for additional details.

Surfโ€™s Up in Pok?mon Ultra Sun and Pok?mon Ultra Moon!

Surf's Up in Pokรฉmon Ultra Sun and Pokรฉmon Ultra Moon!

Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Moon screens:

Catch a wave with Mantine, take on a new trial, and discover over 400 Pok?mon while you explore in Pok?mon Ultra Sun and Pok?mon Ultra Moon! Visit our site to learn more: http://bit.ly/2qT9MWT