Mighty No. 9 looks mighty fine in this 60FPS gameplay trailer

Mighty-No-9Comcept and Deep Silver have released a mighty fine looking 60fps gameplay trailer for Mighty No. 9.

The Kickstarter success, in development for the PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS, PC and Mac, is scheduled for a September release at the moment.  Those interested in the digital version will need to plunk down $19.99.  A retail copy, which will be available for most non-portable platforms, will set gamers back $29.99.  PlayStation owners get access to the PS4 and PS Vita version as a Cross-Buy title either way, which is a nice perk!

Check out the new footage below.

Mighty No. 9: Gameplay Trailer โ€“ 60FPS:

Mighty No. 9: Gameplay Trailer - 60FPS