Sine Mora review for XBLA
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
Starting April 8th, there will be a big XBLA release every week with each having expanded Gamerscore and Achievement capabilities.
Conceptually it?s like a non-boring version of The Road, mixed with Book of Eli-style action and Uncharted urban climbing… In reality, it?s crushed by marred controls and poor implementation.
This is a very good week for shmup fans and classic platforming fans at the very least. Sine Mora is here and it looks spectacular with classic shooting action in a more modern style. Rayman 3 gets enhanced and re-released as well.
Finally, after countless throwaway remakes of Frogger, we finally get one that counts. Obviously inspired by Pac-Man Championship Edition, Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition looks to up the ante with score based, competitive Frogger action.
The Walking Dead is shambling onto Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and PC beginning in late April, and Telltale Games has revealed pricing info and a new teaser trailer for the game.
Avengers Assemble! Zen Studios this morning has announced that tables based on Marvel’s The Avengers Movie, World War Hulk, Fear Itself, and The Infinity Gauntlet are headed to the to Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network, and for the first time, the PlayStation Vita.
A nice solid pair of Xbox Live Arcade titles are available this week, starting off with the new fantasy-based tower defense and RTS title, Defenders of Ardania, and the co-op enabled action shooting game, Shoot Many Robots. Read on.
Apparently, there won’t be an Episode III so hopefully these new shots of Episode II prove attractive enough to help Sonic fans overlook the somewhat lackluster Episode I.
Quantum Conundrum is shifting from the Fluffy Dimension to the Heavy Dimension this morning, and Square Enix has a few new screens of the newly unveiled in-game dimension to show off.
Well, there aren’t really many details offered or required really, but Microsoft today confirmed that Achievements and Gamerscores for Xbox Live Arcade titles are undergoing a bit of a change beginning in April.
Are you alive? If so, make sure to check out Ubisoft’s intriguing new Xbox Live Arcade release for this week. There’s a Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 demo available too.
As the other of the pair of new Fable titles revealed at Microsoft’s Spring Showcase 2012, Fable Heroes is more of an action oriented co-op XBLA title and somewhat of a fresh spin on the franchise. Check out the info and media.
One of those games that provides just enough knowledge of what is happening in your surroundings, yet never dwells on dialog or a story, but still manages to make its point.
Hi-YA! There are apparently a whole lot of people that like chopping virtual fruit using their hands.
Uh ok then… well, Sega and Arkedo Studio this morning announced a hot-tempered new game for the PS3, Xbox and PC. It’s apparently funny and gory, and full of action and crazy things. Read on for more details.
Well, there’s only one XBLA title available this week, but at least it’s something somewhat interesting and action packed. Check it out.