Star Wars Battlefront II’s revamped progression system is launching soon
Rejoice Star Wars and Star Wars Battlefront II fans, EA and DICE are ready to roll out a new and improved progression system next week.
Rejoice Star Wars and Star Wars Battlefront II fans, EA and DICE are ready to roll out a new and improved progression system next week.
As promised by EA and DICE, the revamped progression system for Star Wars Battlefront II will be detailed in the somewhat near future.
EA and DICE have listened closely to feedback gathered from the recent Star Wars Battlefront II beta sessions.
With Star Wars Battlefront II not releasing until almost the end of 2017, we’re still excited to get our hands on any form of the sequel ASAP.
In case you missed the hoopla that took place over the weekend, EA revealed the release date, game details, pre-order info, full announcement trailer and some screens.
Today is definitely a big day for Star Wars fans.
EA will show off new installments in the Need for Speed, Star Wars Battlefront, Madden, FIFA and NBA Live franchises during their own summer event.
The fourth and final expansion for Star Wars Battlefront is due out any day now, so today’s probably as good a time as any to drop off an action-packed official trailer.
To celebrate Star Wars Battlefront’s first anniversary, the final piece of DLC is almost upon us.
EA and DICE are planning to finally release a content-complete Star Wars: Battlefront Ultimate Edition version before the holidays.
The Bespin expansion gets a June release, and EA and DICE drop off some new info for the upcoming free content and special events they have lined up.
Battlefront?s first real DLC is finally here, but is it too little too late?
EA and DICE’s next piece of Star Wars Battlefront content is set to be deployed in the very near future.
In a lengthy blog post today, EA and DICE have finally spent some time detailing what Star Wars Battlefront fans can be on the lookout for during 2016 and early next year.
In cased you missed the Battle of Jakku London livestream event, here’s a brand new trailer showing off the soon to be available new Star Wars Battlefront environment.
You’ve never seen a Hoth level like this.
If you’re an EA Access subscriber and an Xbox One owner, you can now get your hands on Star Wars Battlefront before it launches next week.