PlayStation Store Update – Metal Gear Survive, Apex Construct, Deadbolt, Symmetry
There’s quite a lot of new PlayStation content available this week on the PlayStation Store including several PSVR releases and the latest Metal Gear title.
There’s quite a lot of new PlayStation content available this week on the PlayStation Store including several PSVR releases and the latest Metal Gear title.
I can’t believe it’s not Vanillaware!
Bandai Namco today dropped off several new screens of Code Vein, their stylish action RPG slated for a console and PC release sometime this year.
For those times when you want to play something but not have to do anything.
There’s an assortment of PSVR deals coming soon with the PS4 headset starting at only $199.
By turns terrifying and terrifyingly dull.
Third time’s a charm for 10tons and twin-stick shooters.
In case the third-person perspective of The Evil Within 2 wasn’t quite creepy enough for you, Bethesda and Tango Gameworks today released a free game update to enable first-person mode gameplay.
Like your typical musou game, only in even bigger proportions.
This week is one of those PS Store updates that is just filled to the brim with very diverse, fun-sounding offerings for PlayStation platforms.
Kingdom Hearts III is apparently still coming along nicely, and just this weekend Square Enix and Disney made some announcements regarding the game. CHeck out the new trailer/screens too!
Recruit normal citizens/animals in an effort to take back Hope County, Montana in the latest Far Cry 5 trailers.
Bungie loves their Destiny seasonal events, and the next one is coming really soon.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT isn’t quite what I want out of the Dissidia series from Square Enix.
Cowabunga! The heroes in a half shell are finally jumping back into a fighting game.
Just when we think that Zen Studios has maybe run out of new and exciting concepts for pinball tables, comes another great idea. Details and media within.