PlayStation Store Update – Don’t Starve, Tiny Brains, Twisted Lands: Shadow Town
Klei Entertainment’s latest unique creation hits the PS4 today along with a few other things.
Klei Entertainment’s latest unique creation hits the PS4 today along with a few other things.
Klei Entertainment delivers a stand out, 2D stealth experience with their XBLA release of Mark of the Ninja. Check out the full review behind the cut.
So Shank 2 is out. It’s called Shank 2, and is exactly what you’d expect from a game called Shank 2: more Shank in the form of a sequel. Shank is still a badass; he blows stuff up, rescues ladies, and he still… audible sigh… he still shanks people.
Shank 2, Klei Entertainment and EA Partner’s violent, story-driven, 2D action brawling sequel is coming in the very near future, and EA this morning released a new multiplayer survival mode video to celebrate.
Shank 2, Klei Entertainment and EA Partner’s violent, story-driven, 2D action brawling sequel, has an official release date and price as of this morning.