Grasshopper Manufacture acquired by GungHo Online Entertainment
The creators of No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw, Killer7 and other unique titles will be joining Game Arts, Acquire and GRAVITY under the GungHo banner.
The creators of No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw, Killer7 and other unique titles will be joining Game Arts, Acquire and GRAVITY under the GungHo banner.
Here’s the thing you need to know about Dokuro: if you’re going to play (and if you own a Vita, you absolutely should), you need to be okay with dying. Like, a lot.
Ragnarok Odyssey presents a lackluster Monster Hunter clone for Vita owners, that does little to capture the feel and wonderment of the series it’s trying to hard to mimic. Competent online play is a plus, but everything else feels like a chore.