Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age review for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One
Better on Switch? (Yes.) You be the judge! (No it’s really better) (And on Xbox One)
Better on Switch? (Yes.) You be the judge! (No it’s really better) (And on Xbox One)
It’s been quite a while, but Square Enix has finally officially announced that a few of their remastered, classic Final Fantasy PlayStation RPGs will be making their way to other consoles soon.
Gamers still love Final Fantasy, that’s for sure… especially retro remastered releases on the PS4.
Welcome to the definitive version of the PS2’s last Final Fantasy. Is it everything we dreamed it would be?
Square Enix this morning dropped off a new Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age trailer that digs deep into the customizeable gambit and Zodiac job systems.
Do you have $200 US DOLLARS burning a hole in your pocket? Well here’s a reason to potentially part with it.