Paradox Soul review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Switch
Paradox Soul makes for an easy Platinum, but not much more than that.
Paradox Soul makes for an easy Platinum, but not much more than that.
What happens when not quite everybody?s gone to the rapture?
If you?ve ever looked at LittleBigPlanet and thought, “That game?s controls are far too tight,” Bouncy Bullets is the game for you.
Attack of the Toy Tanks may look like a kid?s game, but it actually wants to kill you as many times as it can.
Retro in all the wrong ways.
Portal on the most shoestring budget imaginable.
Maybe this game should have stayed in 1995.
An endless flyer that never leaves the ground.
This little piggy went to kick some butt.
How badly do you need another Space Invaders clone in your life?
If Mega Man didn’t exist, Metagal probably wouldn?t either.
Shooting bad guys, catching hearts, and bumping off bunnies.
More fun than getting a cat into a carrier.