October Xbox One system update previews rolling out
Media Player with DLNA and MKV support, new and improved snap functionality, devices and accessories info, new SmartGlass features and more are coming.
Media Player with DLNA and MKV support, new and improved snap functionality, devices and accessories info, new SmartGlass features and more are coming.
Warner Bros. Interactive today finally revealed when we’ll be able to get our hands on the last game in the Batman Arkham trilogy. Pricey collector’s editions announced too.
A PS3 and Xbox 360 AC collection for those who somehow missed out on a few of the more recent releases.
One game, one singer, one retired review gimmick. All this, and more in the Hatoful Boyfriend PC review.
Bungie and/or Activision must be feeling quite generous right now.
Dead Rising 3 makes its way to PC with this Apocalypse Edition, but performance issues prevent this from becoming the definitive version.
Warner Bros. and NetherRealm Studios have announced that Mortal Kombat X will launch on April 14th, worldwide.
Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U is finally, finally almost done, and apparently great enough that Nintendo dedicated an entire Nintendo Direct event to it this morning.
Counterspy may have a too-short playtime and too-long load times, but neither of those things is enough to prevent it from being an otherwise outstanding game.
Andres Muschietti, best known for the horror film Mama, has signed up to direct the project for Sony Pictures.
Rejoice Minecraft fans and PS4 owners, Minecraft PlayStation 4 Edition is officially here.
With no super high profile releases, it’s more or less a mixed bag of new content on the Nintendo eShop today.
If you’re in the market for an Xbox One, it looks like Microsoft’s upcoming promotion may be worth checking out.
We’re guessing there are still a few players who care about the sorta popular CoD multiplayer modes in Advanced Warfare.
An ironically-named, dark and intriguing inFamous Second Son side story worth checking out.
Microsoft is allowing all Xbox Live Gold members to download and play the full version of Forza Motorsport 5 for the Xbox One this upcoming weekend.
A game that makes you ask the question, What the heck did I just play?