Fireburst review for XBLA, PSN
There are fantastic racing games out there, unfortunately Fireburst isn’t one of them.
Xbox Live Arcade Reviews
There are fantastic racing games out there, unfortunately Fireburst isn’t one of them.
This two game compilation of one of the best 2D beat ’em up series from the 90’s has been given all the care and attention that classic retro ports should.
Take one part Angry Birds, and one part real time strategy and you have a fun game from ZEN Studios that will hook you in for hours.
Even with it’s unique pairing of two genres, Sanctum 2 doesn’t really offer too much to get excited about.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is pure, distilled, western action at its finest. It’s great enough to make The Cartel feel like it never happened.
Have you ever wanted to see Brock Samson and Claptrap play Poker with GLaDOS? Have I got a game for you?.
This side scrolling spin-off of the Sacred game series might win over some new fans.
Planes, Pirates and Monkeys on Clouds? Yes, it’s Capcom Arcade Cabinet time again!
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is an neon-infused, cyborg-annihilating nod to the best and worst that 80’s action cinema had to offer.
God Mode could be a love-fest for old-school PC shooter fans, but there’s enough problems with the online experience to keep it from hitting those highs.
Better than the original release of Ninja Gaiden 3, but still a ninja slice below previous games in the franchise.
Capcom continues to release obscure arcade classics that defined the term “Rage Quit”.
What began as a blatant copy of Super Mario Bros. resurfaces to try and distance itself from it’s troubled past.
While not the new installment many players were hoping for, Darkstalkers Resurrection gives us two classic fighters from the iconic series!
Note to self: don’t play Bit.Trip…Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien before bed again. It will not go well.
A trio of action-packed Capcom Arcade classics join the growing roster in the newly launched Capcom Arcade Cabinet.