Foxyland review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Switch
A decent platformer with an easy Platinum.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
A decent platformer with an easy Platinum.
Charming, upbeat, and a massive chore to play.
So close to being a great game, yet so FAR.
Like the game’s title implies, Close to the Sun aims a little too high for its own good.
You could do a lot worse than Worse Than Death.
An intriguing story and gorgeous graphics can?t make up for a mediocre game.
WRC 8 may have a decent amount of content, but you?ve got to deal with a rough-looking game just to get to that.
Not nearly as titillating as its name suggests, but far, far more interesting.
Ahoy there, matey, this game sucks.
Need for Speed Heat is a pretty good Need for Speed game, which is certainly nice to see again.
Another day, another retro platformer — but Miles & Kilo is better than most.
Dead men tell some very interesting tales.
Broken, repetitive garbage. But hey, it?s an easy platinum.
An adorable, heart-wrenching game that becomes a lot more horrifying the more you think about it.