The Expendables 2 review for PSN, XBLA
Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li and Terry Crews can't save the throwback-style game version of the throwback-style action movie.
PlayStation 3 Reviews
Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li and Terry Crews can't save the throwback-style game version of the throwback-style action movie.
The 2012 London Olympic Games may be over, but the fun still goes on.
Way of the Samurai 4 is often as interesting as it is messy, both in it’s politics by swordfight approach to diplomacy, and in its technical shortcomings.
This Transformers epic delivers in ways War of Cybertron failed to do, offering up a more explosive, and fun romp through the destruction of the Transformers home world that’ll go a long way in satisfying G1 fans.
Is there actually a pot of gold at the end of eastasiasoft and SideQuest Studios’ strategy RPG rainbow? Read on to find out.
The truest, most realistic experience you can expect to have playing the game of football without actually being there. A must buy for anyone who considers themselves a real football fan.
Retro/Grade infuses Rock Band with Gradius, and with some really satisfying results. Want to know more about this rhythm-based shoot ’em up? Read our full review behind the cut.
Sony and Supermassive Games today revealed Until Dawn, a teen slasher-style of horror game made especially for the PlayStation Move and PS3. First screens, trailer and info.
Death rides on in the sequel to Darksiders, arriving this week for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. How does the highly anticipated follow-up stack up? Read the full review to find out!
Hong Kong action comes to consoles with Sleeping Dogs, from developer United Front Games. Does it make John Woo a happy dove, or turn Simon Yam’s suave demeanor sour? Click on the link below to find out!
Risen 2 might not be the pirate RPG we’ve all been waiting for, but it’s certainly not devoid of a bit of old-school RPG charm. Still, some technical and system issues keep this from being a must-own game unless you’re a pretty big genre fan to begin with.
Quantum Conundrum features some really fun, physics based puzzles marred by not so fun physics based platforming. Read more in the full review behind the link.
While it may be a bit too familiar, this year?s crop of college stars still deliver a solid performance on the field.
Spidey swings onto consoles again, a scant 10 months after his last ill-fated adventure. Tying this new game into the film’s universe does the series little favors, and while the return of web-swinging through New York is great to have, there’s little else worth seeing here.
SEGA delivers a fun Summer Olympics experience with London 2012, making this one of the rare party games that’ll be well worth checking out.
DiRT Showdown’s car crashing fun is only hindered by its reliance on DiRT 3’s look, feel, and recycled racing events. Even though this feels more like an expansion pack than a full, new game, it’s hard to deny that Showdown is still a whole lot of fun.