Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers review for PS3
Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers has all the flash of an anime fighter, but none of the fun.
PlayStation 3 Reviews
Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers has all the flash of an anime fighter, but none of the fun.
If you’ve ever wished that your games had more endless manual labor, Super Motherload may be the game for you.
Those who enjoy fun, mindless action games may give Final Exam a passing grade.
Can Angry Birds and real-time strategy co-exist? CastleStorm hopes so. Read on to find out if they’re right!
A rare case where more of the same is a very, very good thing.
May The Force and Angry Birds be with you, regardless of which platform you’re on.
If your biggest complaint about Journey was that it was far too game-like, then here’s something that should be right up your alley.
Now, this is how you take advantage of a second chance.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes may be the best LEGO video game so far.
Portal? Who said anything about Portal? This game features blue and red magnets, not holes. Totally different.
Don’t be fooled by the smiling rodent on the cover of Ethan: Meteor Hunter. This game wants to break your spirit into a million tiny pieces.
Activision releases Call of Duty’s “Greatest Hits” collection, in preparation for a new console generation.
EA and DICE are set to do battle against the Call of Duty boys one more time.
Batman’s early encounters with the crooks and freaks of Gotham might not reach the highs of Arkham City, but they provide a fun experience worth checking out.
Black Flag does a pretty good job of washing away the bad memories of Assassin’s Creed III, while expanding upon the sea faring elements that its predecessor spawned.
Alien Rage might win the award for most generic first person shooter of 2013.
The most fun you will have learning how to play guitar hands down.