Category: Reviews
Videogame Reviews

Street Fighter 6 review for PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Since it’s built using the RE Engine, Lady Demetrescu in SF6 Season 2?

Monster Tribe review for PC
Who doesn’t love a game that crashes every time you try to save?

Remorse: The List review for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox
If atmosphere were everything, Remorse: The List would be a GOTY contender.

Deathwish Enforcers review for Nintendo Switch, PS4
Sunset Riders with the weirdness amped up to 11.

Stray Blade review for PS5, PC, Xbox Series X
If you’ve ever really wanted to play a Souls-like but weren’t skilled enough, here’s your chance.

Walkabout Mini Golf review for PlayStation VR2
Mighty Coconut’s enjoyable VR mini golf experience is a must have for PS VR2 owners.

Dokapon Kingdom: Connect review for Nintendo Switch
All the frustration of Mario Party, none of the charm.

Itorah review for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One
Itorah looks nice, but is that enough to make it stand out?

Troublemaker review for PC
Kind of like Bully, if Bully were a bonkers Indonesian game that didn?t make a whole lot of sense.

Redfall review for PC, Xbox Series X
Arkane Studios. Vampires. How could it go so, so wrong?

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series review for Nintendo Switch, PS4
The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster series finally makes its way to consoles, with a few new bells and whistles included.