Hands on with Skylanders SWAP Force
Skylanders SWAP Force – Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Plastic. First impressions of the playable PS4 version of the latest Skylanders title.
Wii U Previews
Skylanders SWAP Force – Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Plastic. First impressions of the playable PS4 version of the latest Skylanders title.
Rayman Legends looks and plays like a dream, so there’s no doubt that Ubisoft wants to get as much hype behind next week’s launch as possible.
Nintendo announces the 2DS, coming October 12th for $129.99, along with a price drop for the Wii U Deluxe model and officially announcing that Wind Waker HD Wii U bundle.
With no shortage of platforms set to be plundered by Ubisoft’s latest Assassin’s Creed release, the company today sent over a new “Naval Fort” gameplay walkthrough for Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag.
Activision this morning sent over a hefty update for Skylanders SWAP Force, which includes screens of the next generation version, new character bios and photos of the new figures along with trailers, and more.
Attending PAX Prime this year? Then you might want to check out this Wonderful 101 panel helmed by none other than Platinum Games creative director Hideki Kamiya.
Check out Dr. Doom, Magneto, Captain America, Cyclops, Hulk, Wolverine and lots more in this new trailer for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
Activision this morning found the need to brag about Skylanders a little bit… but it sounds like they deserve to.
The Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer reveal event has concluded and Activision sent along a new trailer and selection of screens showing off a bit of what they announced during the presentation.
Are you ready to finally get a look at the next generation of multiplayer experiences that Activision and Infinity Ward are building out for Call of Duty: Ghosts? Check back here in a few hours.
As promised, Nintendo dedicated an entire Nintendo Direct event this morning to the upcoming PlatinumGames-developed Wii U exclusive, The Wonderful 101.
Check out the final Duckumentary for DuckTales: Remastered, showcasing the fantastic soundtrack of the NES original and the upcoming remixed soundtrack. That Moon remix theme? Pretty sweet.
Also during this morning’s Nintendo Direct presentation came world of a little bit of a bonus for Wii U owners looking to pick up Rayman Legends. Details, screens and a trailer.
During their Nintendo Direct Event this morning, one of the more interesting items announced was the Animal Crossing Plaza app for the Wii U. Check out all the details along with other new info from the presentation.
Ubisoft today fired over a dramatic new trailer for Splinter Cell Blacklist highlighting the Engineers, the group of well-equipped bad guys looking to screw with the United States and Sam Fisher.
Warner Bros. Interactive this morning confirmed what most of us have already suspected… Batman: Arkham Origins will have online multiplayer. First media and details.
After announcing her involvement at the recent Comic Con, Ubisoft sent over a video of Aisha’s character (as herself) in action in Watch_Dogs.