Rock Boshers DX: Director’s Cut review for PS Vita, PS4
Yet another game where you have to play as England’s longest-reigning monarch, blasting her way out of a Martian labor colony.
Yet another game where you have to play as England’s longest-reigning monarch, blasting her way out of a Martian labor colony.
The year’s toughest game might just be a PSP exclusive.
It took a few years, but the Vita finally got a decent dungeon crawler.
In which the Saints Row franchise literally and figuratively goes to Hell.
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD is a fantastic game…you just might have a bit of trouble seeing it.
Move over Day D Tower Rush and Fort Defense, the Vita finally has a tower defense game worth playing.
Less a reinvention of the wheel than one that borrows pretty heavily from other, more established wheels.
Platform: PS4 Publisher: 10tons Developer: 10tons Medium: Digital Players: 1 Online: Leaderboards ESRB: T For a developer that basically has zero originality, 10tons make some pretty enjoyable games. King Oddball, Sparkle, Sparkle 2: they may borrow (to put it charitably) ideas from other, more popular games, but they’re easily some of the most enjoyable that…
Different people clearly have different definitions of “fun”.
Can a non-Tales Of… fan get into a Tales Of game and not get hopelessly lost? Only one way to find out.
Never Alone has a unique concept, but does it have the gameplay to match? Read on to find out!