Onechanbara Z2: Chaos review for PS4
Onechanbara’s latest entry is a scantily clad hack n slash that brings four playable characters, tons of blood, an interesting upgrade system, and over the top combat
Onechanbara’s latest entry is a scantily clad hack n slash that brings four playable characters, tons of blood, an interesting upgrade system, and over the top combat
In this five year old HD remastered release, watching Kratos dismember gods and slice open trolls never looked so good.
Inti Creates made their first North American appearance and Gaming Age had the pleasure of being there.
Dr. Mario is back, this time with his brother Dr. Luigi.
Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf, and Chains get a current gen console port with a fresh coat of HD paint, including all previously released DLC… along with a couple of unaddressed issues and bugs.
This colorful family friendly team based shooter is enjoyable, but lacks a couple standard features in the multiplayer aspect that would’ve helped knock the title out of the park.
B.J. Blazkowicz is back in this action packed, retrospective prequel that kicks ass like its predecessor.
A fresh take on the puzzle/platform genre with its physics-based puzzles and unique character design.
A unique puzzle/platformer with a great art style that is held back by framerate issues and unpolished controls.