Get a sneak peek at Destiny: House of Wolves โ€“ Trials of Osiris event

Destiny-HOW_trials_of_osirisTomorrow is the day that Bungie reveals Trials of Osiris, another brand new event that is being introduced in the Destiny โ€“ Expansion II: House of Wolves expansion.

The community manager and design leads will show off the new 3v3 competitive mode including some of the gameplay and exotic rewards that can be acquired. Once again, the developers will livestream the whole event on Twitch (, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29th at 11:00am PT/2:00pm ET.

Check out the teaser trailer for now.

House of Wolves Reveal Teaser โ€“ Trials of Osiris:

House of Wolves Reveal Teaser - Trials of Osiris

Tomorrow, the Bungie team will continue to roll out information for the upcoming Destiny Expansion II: House of
On Wednesday, Apr. 29th at 11:00am Pacific, Deej (Bungie Community Manager) will host a livestream straight from the studio with Lars Bakken and Derek Carroll (Bungie Design Leads), along with community member tripleWRECK. Theyโ€™ll be playing a brand new, weekly competitive multiplayer event called Trials of Osiris. Itโ€™s a 3v3 elimination event where power levels matter. The more wins your team accumulates, the greater your rewards, which include Osiris-themed, endgame gear. The livestream will be exclusively viewable here: