Nintendo Download Update โ€“ amiibo tap, Puzzle & Dragons SMB Edition demo, Paper Mario

Nintendo_eShop_logoNintendo has a nice handful of new items on the eShop this week for Wii U and 3DS owners.

If you own amiibo figures and a Wii U, gamers can check out the free amiibo tap: Nintendo?s Greatest Bits app for another way to interact with your collection. THereโ€™s also a free Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition demo for 3DS owners, and the original Paper Mario as a Wii U Virtual Console release.

Read on.

  • Nintendo eShop on Wii U
    • amiibo tap: Nintendo?s Greatest Bits ? Discover definitive moments from classic Nintendo games. Download the free amiibo tap: Nintendo?s Greatest Bits application in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U and tap any amiibo figure to the Wii U GamePad controller to unlock scenes from select NES and Super NES Wii U Virtual Console games. At least one amiibo figure (sold separately) is required to use this software.
  • Virtual Console on Wii U
    • Paper Mario ? After Bowser steals the Star Rod and kidnaps Princess Peach, Mario plots to rescue the seven Star Spirits and free the Mushroom Kingdom from the Koopa?s rule. The turn-based battle system of this classic Nintendo 64 RPG will make fighting Bowser?s baddies equal parts strategy and timing.
  • Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
    • Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition Demo ? Download the free demo version of Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition before the full game launches in stores and in the Nintendo eShop. Intuitive drag-and-match puzzle game play and classic Mushroom Kingdom characters combine to create one of the most unique puzzle/RPG games ever. The full version of the Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition game, which gives you two complete games in one package, launches May 22.

Nintendo eShop Sales:


  • Mega May Starts Next Week ? Voting is now over. Check back on May 7 to see which classic Mega Man game fans decided should be released first. For the entire month of May, Nintendo and Capcom are celebrating everyone?s favorite blue bomber with six game releases in the Virtual Console on Wii U. The Game Boy Advance versions of Mega Man Zero 2, Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, Mega Man Battle Network 3 White, Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun, Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon and Mega Man & Bass will land in the Nintendo eShop throughout the month.

Theme Shop on Nintendo 3DS:

  • New themes this week include:
    • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Hunter?s Weapon Gallery (Available May 1-July 1)

Also new this week: