Jaw dropping new Just Cause 3 screens
It’s just about time for some over-the-top Just Cause action to blast onto new generation platforms.
It’s just about time for some over-the-top Just Cause action to blast onto new generation platforms.
Based on the most recent sales figures, Activision franchises have secured the top two retail console spots for 2014.
Now having left its own planet, we see how Civilization’s future is shaping up in Beyond Earth.
We doubt that 3DS fans will object to Capcom’s release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. There’s also Xeodrifter to check out.
One of the very last territories that Sony has yet to launch the PS4 and PS Vita in, is China. But in exactly a month from now, that will officially change.
In what we would probably classify as “unsurprising news”, Square Enix today announced that Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is officially headed to the PS4.
The classic Atlus Nintendo DS RPG is headed to North America in an enhanced and expanded 3DS release.
Watch Dogs on the Wii U may not have been worth the long wait, but now that it’s here, it may be better than you’d expect it to be.
The one and only Suikoden II finally arrives on the PS3 and PS Vita as a PSone Classic release, and Lara returns for some new co-op action. Read on.
Officially licensed Ultra Street Fighter IV FightSticks are on the way from Mad Catz.
A worthy co-op fueled successor to 2010’s Guardian of Light.
Another excellent HD port from Square Enix, this time featuring Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.
Get acquainted with MGO’s Tactical Team Operations with new screens, a trailer and game details.
Those amazing weather effects have finally made it into Driveclub, along with a few other features and fixes.
A pair of videos of STreet Fighter V, the press release, new screens and a look at the PS4 version of Ultra Street Fighter IV.
Besides taking home a few top honors at Friday’s The Game Awards event, Nintendo also gave fans a new look at a trio of anticipated releases.