Tag: ps4

Stop by Venus in the next Destiny gameplay trailer
Just days after releasing a Mars gameplay video, Bungie today followed up with a look at Venus in all its green-hued glory.

It’s officially Madden Season according to Kevin Hart and Dave Franco
Welp, it’s around that time of the year again. Check out Kevin Hart and Dave Franco hamming it up in the new Madden NFL 15 commercial.

Get your ass to Mars… in the latest Destiny gameplay trailer
Do you wanna see what Mars will look like when you get your hands on Destiny next month? Well here ya go.

Pure Pool review for PS4
Even with its flaws, this is still one of the finest console billiards games to date.

Batman: Arkham Knight media shows off the Batmobile and a beatdown
Batman looks positively pissed in the latest batch of gritty gamescom screens of Batman: Arkham Knight.

Kano slices and dices in latest Mortal Kombat X screens
A new set of MKX screens showcasing Kano kicking some Scorpion and Raiden ass.

Eleven minutes of uncut Assassin’s Creed Unity gameplay
Following up on their gamescom event, Ubisoft has released a fresh new Assassin’s Creed Unity video, which features over 11 minutes of gameplay footage.

PlayStation Store Update – Hohokum, Surgeon Simuator, Akiba’s Trip
Many gamers are probably still getting caught up on the variety of gamescom 14 announcements and media, but Sony still found time to release a nice-sized PS Store update for all platforms.

Bloodborne has a new gamescom trailer
Check out the new trailer for From Software’s Bloodborne on PS4, coming out of gamescom today.

PS4 sales top 10 million worldwide
We assumed that Sony was holding onto their latest batch of PS4 sales figures for a big gamescom 14 announcement, and we were right. See what Sony had up their sleeves.

Tearaway coming to PS4
Atoi and Iota will live on, as Tearaway will be making the jump from the Vita to PS4.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has a new multiplayer trailer
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s multiplayer is finally revealed, along with info on the Day Zero pre-order edition.

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition review for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition brings new content and significant improvements to the original console release of the popular PC title.

Wake up! Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition officially announced
Now it’s officially official, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is headed to the PS4, Xbox One and PC this October.

Farming Simulator 15 trailer plows some next gen fields
Drop whatever you’re doing right now and check out this action-packed Farming Simulator 15 reveal trailer.

Blizzard confirms Diablo III: Reaper of Souls patch support, 1080p for PS4, Xbox One
Blizzard is putting a lot of effort into making the console versions of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls just as fantastic as the PC version.